Anna Hill is our current District 1 Representative. She is serving through December, and has done a great job over the first few years holding the County fiscally accountable. We kick off this 3 part series talking about her time on the Board thus far. She gets into what exactly a School Board Rep does, and what we (as voters) should look for in our next representative. Part 2 will feature Andrew Ziffer Part 3 will feature Austin McDonald

On this episode of What’s Up Dunwoody, host Matt Weber welcomes Anna Hill, the outgoing School Board Representative for District 1. Sponsored by Dr. Bret Freedman and Village Orthodontics, this conversation delves into Anna’s accomplishments, the challenges she faced, and her perspective on the future of the DeKalb County School District. Anna has been a significant figure in Dunwoody’s education landscape, offering her financial expertise and leadership to drive progress during her time on the board. Her story is relevant for families considering moving to Dunwoody or already living in Dunwoody, as her work has had a direct impact on the quality of local schools.

Why Anna Hill Ran for District 1 School Board Representative

Anna Hill’s journey into school board leadership started with a desire to fix what she saw as significant gaps in financial accountability within the DeKalb County School District. As a CPA with years of experience, Anna was shocked by the lack of oversight in the district’s financial management. She knew her skills could help address these issues, and her initial goal was to establish an audit committee and improve transparency around how school funds, especially SPLOST (Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax) and federal funds like ESSER, were being managed.

When Anna first ran for the board, she thought it would take just four years to correct these problems. However, as she shares on the podcast, the reality was far more complex. Establishing the audit committee took nearly two years, and the sheer scope of work involved in improving financial practices was much greater than anticipated. For families living in Dunwoody or those moving to Dunwoody, Anna’s dedication to ensuring financial accountability in schools directly benefits the local community.

Biggest Accomplishments During Her Time on the School Board

Looking back on her four years of service, Anna is particularly proud of the progress made in the financial accountability of the DeKalb County School District. With an audit committee in place and ongoing audits of both SPLOST and ESSER funds, the district is now in a much better position to manage its resources effectively. Anna also highlights the positive impact of working alongside Superintendent Dr. Horton, who has brought stability and a fresh entrepreneurial mindset to the district.

Another major accomplishment was the shift toward using data-driven approaches to school planning and development. Under Dr. Horton’s leadership, the district is now focused on using real data to inform decisions about redistricting and resource allocation. For those moving to Dunwoody or already living in Dunwoody, this approach ensures that schools are being planned with long-term growth and community needs in mind.

The Challenges of Serving on the DeKalb County School Board

Despite her successes, Anna acknowledges that her time on the school board was not without challenges. She started her term during the COVID-19 pandemic, which added immense pressure on the school district to navigate uncharted territory. From virtual learning to ensuring student safety, the board had to make tough decisions that often resulted in public criticism. Anna reflects on how the pandemic exacerbated learning loss across the country, and DeKalb County was no exception.

Another challenge Anna faced was the turnover of superintendents during her time on the board. She served under three different superintendents, which made it difficult to maintain continuity in leadership and progress. However, Anna’s confidence in the current superintendent, Dr. Horton, is evident, and she believes that the district is now on solid footing for the future. For Dunwoody families, having stable leadership in the school district is a major factor in ensuring that local schools continue to improve.

Teamwork and Collaboration: Key to Success on the School Board

One of the biggest personal growth areas for Anna during her time on the school board was learning how to be a team player. Coming from a background where she ran her own business, Anna was used to making decisions independently. However, serving on the board required her to collaborate closely with her colleagues and navigate different personalities and working styles.

Anna emphasizes the importance of building strong relationships with other board members and working together toward a common goal—ensuring that students in DeKalb County receive the best education possible. She shares how critical it is to understand the “love languages” of her colleagues, whether that means knowing the best time to call them or understanding their communication preferences. For future board members, Anna believes that the ability to collaborate effectively is one of the most important qualities they can bring to the table.

Exciting Developments on the Horizon for Dunwoody Schools

As Anna prepares to step down from her role, she is excited about several major projects underway in the district. One of the biggest developments is the construction of a new Sequoia Middle School and Sequoia High School, which will replace the existing Sequoia Middle School. This project is part of a broader effort to address the overcrowding and resource challenges that some schools in the district face.

Redistricting—or as it’s now called, “reimagining”—will be a key focus over the next 18 months as the district works to realign student populations with the new schools being built. For those moving to Dunwoody, this process ensures that schools will be equipped to handle the growing number of families in the area. Anna praises Dr. Horton’s data-driven approach to redistricting, which takes into account both the technical aspects of population growth and the community’s needs.

Superintendent Dr. Horton’s Impact on Dunwoody Schools

One of the most significant developments during Anna’s time on the school board was the hiring of Superintendent Dr. Horton. Anna describes Dr. Horton as a visionary leader with an entrepreneurial mindset, who approaches the district as both an educational institution and a business. His ability to problem-solve creatively and use data to inform decisions has been a game-changer for the DeKalb County School District.

For families living in Dunwoody, having a superintendent like Dr. Horton means that the district is focused on attracting and retaining students by offering a quality education and a strong school community. Enrollment in the district has declined in recent years, but Dr. Horton’s approach is centered on reversing that trend by making DeKalb schools a desirable option for local families.

Anna is particularly proud of the board’s decision to extend Dr. Horton’s contract for the maximum three years allowed under state law. This move ensures continuity in leadership and provides stability for the district, which has historically struggled with turnover at the superintendent level. For those considering moving to Dunwoody, having stable leadership in the school district is a key factor in the long-term success of local schools.

Anna Hill’s Advice for Future School Board Representatives

As she prepares to step down, Anna offers valuable advice for the next person who will step into her role as District 1 School Board Representative. She stresses the importance of being a team player and building strong relationships with other board members. Collaboration is key to making meaningful progress, and the ability to work well with others is essential for anyone serving on the board.

Anna also highlights the need for transparency and accountability in managing the district’s finances. Ensuring that SPLOST and ESSER funds are being used effectively is critical to the district’s success, and future board members must be committed to maintaining the financial integrity that has been established during her tenure.

Lastly, Anna encourages future board members to stay connected with the community. Having an active understanding of what’s happening in local schools is essential for making informed decisions. For families living in Dunwoody or those moving to Dunwoody, having board representatives who are engaged and responsive to community needs is crucial.

Looking Ahead: The Future of the DeKalb County School District

As the podcast wraps up, Anna reflects on the future of the DeKalb County School District with optimism. She believes that the district is in good hands with Dr. Horton at the helm and that the upcoming redistricting process will be a positive step toward aligning schools with the needs of the community. For families moving to Dunwoody or already living in Dunwoody, these developments promise a brighter future for local schools.

Anna also looks forward to seeing new leadership on the school board, as several seats will turn over in the upcoming election. While she won’t endorse any specific candidate, Anna encourages voters to consider the experience, communication style, and platform of each candidate before casting their vote.

Final Thoughts: Anna Hill’s Legacy on the School Board

Throughout her time on the podcast, Anna’s passion for improving education in Dunwoody and the broader DeKalb County community is evident. Her commitment to financial accountability, teamwork, and supporting the district’s leadership has left a lasting impact. For those moving to Dunwoody or living in Dunwoody, Anna’s work has helped ensure that local schools are well-equipped to serve the needs of the community.

As she prepares to pass the baton to the next District 1 School Board Representative, Anna leaves behind a legacy of progress and stability. Her work on the board has set the foundation for continued improvement in the DeKalb County School District, and her impact will be felt for years to come.